
Rentals Ous Property

Senior Property Manager
If you know Tyson-Leigh O’Brien, you just know.
As Ous Property’s Senior Property Manager, he brings a long, loyal tenure to an industry he loves with client and portfolio care you cannot fault, all while capably leading the busy PM Department.
And as we also know, the Ous Team have sales, auctions and rentals down pat.
Tyson has an incredible grip on every facet of property management, facing every task head on with insight, experience, ethics, and confidence. And credentials like his are like money in the bank.
It’s Tyson’s focus, pride and dedication, his warmth and ability to interact with landlords and tenants – literally simultaneously - that keep your investment income churning.
That right there, is his why. With a dedication to delivering - and exceeding - even his own highest expectations.
His friends, clients and colleagues know how he ticks: he offers a personalised approach, has an intense eye for detail, and an ability to communicate on all levels, with all parties, for effective negotiations and discussions that end with a “that went well” satisfaction.  
And it’s those everyday challenges, the ones that open opportunities for Tyson to bring his true A-game to the table in a dynamic never-two-days-the-same profession that bring him the greatest thrills.
It’s no secret Ous Property has a knack for pairing assets with assets. Your property, their expertise, and Tyson-Leigh O’Brien at the helm.
Your next move is to get in touch.  

Rentals's Current Listings

  • Contact ous.property regarding your enquiry.